Deer Isle Code Enforcement Officer, Judy Jenkins, holds office hours at the Town Hall on Wednesdays from 11 AM - 4 PM. She is available by phone on weekdays at (207) 266-0785 and there is a drop off box for her in the Treasurer/Tax Collector's office.
Applications for Permits are available at the Town Office or by clicking on the links below.
Inland Application for Building Permit
Shoreland Application for Building or Land Use Permit
Commercial Site Plan Application
Print and Fill Out (PDF)
Download and Edit (DOCx)
Fees Specific to Application
Flood Hazard Development Application
State Plumbing Permit Application
Print and Fill Out (PDF)
Download and Edit (DOC) (Formatting questionable)
State Subsurface Disposal (Septic) Permit
Application Forms (Most common is HHE200)
Driveway and Entrance Permit
The Planning Board meets once a month on Wednesday evening. See the calenda below for details. All Planning Board meetings are advertised in the Island Advantages and are open to all citizens.
The Board would like to advise landowners, contractors and other interested persons that:
~Land areas adjacent to ponds, streams, wetlands, and shore lands in Deer Isle are zoned. Most land use within these areas requires a Planning Board permit issued by the Board or by our CEO.
~Flood Plain area activity use requires a permit.
~Subdivision for any area in the town must come to the Planning Board for review.
~The Town's Ordinances and Tax Maps are available for download on this site and should be studied prior to undertaking any projects in the zoned areas of the Town. Clarification and help can be obtained by contacting the CEO, the Selectmen, or the Planning Board.
Current members are:
P. Jeremy Stewart, Chairman
Melissa A. Proper, Secretary
Bill Wiegmann
Eric Ziner
David Hutchinson
Tom Leigh, alternate
Dawn Nault, alternate
The Appeals Board meets when necessary.
Current members are:
Steve Whitney, Chair
Danny Hypes
Kermit Huttar
Rosemary Eaton
Scott LaDeau
Valerie Duncan